Ok ok, i shall just say that I'm being the ultimate procrastinator. FULLSTOP.
Anyways, I haven't been updating...my muse is sooo dead. I got my wand today, those people who know should know, and I wouldn't say further. Its is 10 3/4 inch apple, unicorn hair. ^^ Luving it. Gonna know what my house (you know....like Slytherin and Ravenclaw?) is after family day.
Oh yeah...initially I wanted to bring Hash along. But he's just to energetic. I think alot people will get scared..LOL. Anyways, back to today. Too lazy to talk about what has happened since guides camp.
Ok, Bio SPA today. Ok bahz. Not as bad as the previous one. Almost forget to write something down...lucky last minute remember. Boring day and I slack to the optimum. Forgive me God.
Sitting next to Aurina now. Thanks to Randy. Next to me is also pamm..Tell you all smth
Sitting arrangement
Max Xin Yee Anna Surong Me Aurina
is a girl guides thunderbolt! WAHAHA
From now onwards, I shall dedicate myself to my work. Logging off
I know its random but I really need to off thhis computer. Its driving me nutty.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
SECOND DAY OF GUIDES CAMP!!!!!! (check other guides NCOs sec 4 blog to see the exact same title.) We are playing the the com lab once again thx to teachers and YA (young adults / Mdms) after a long long long tiring day. Take note of the ungodly time....yes we are not gonna sleep much...about 2 hours or so. Tmr I will get to see Hashy...yeah! Ok today the sec 3s took over the front part of the day. I shall not disclose such confidential information and and just comment that it was rather disappointing. A girl got sick as well and was brought home. Some other sec 1s have to go for other personal reasons.
Aurina and i seem to be always left alone everywhere, anywhere, anytime....now oso...the others went down to play _____........, we were also left alone in the toilets, and in the sick bay and the hiking trip & bus as well.
The hiking trip was dark and thanks to angie who keeps flashing the light, I keep getting blinded and was unable to readjust back to the darkness after the flash, disabling me of my sight in the dark and then I cannot see the edges of the wooden planks... I have to catch up to the NCC Land and must take note of their white shoes to find my way. -_-....Lucky no mosquito... My Legs almost like....cracked as we walked the long stretch of Bishan Park back to the school plus the hiking trail @ Pierce reservoir.
I don't have much to see after that...not many things such as CCA can I discuss online~ Ah well, tmr the NCOs will be poppin by Mac b4 going home.
Tmr plan after camp: Bathe & SLEEP
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Ohohohohoho...I am in com lab 1 (school) now blogging. It has been so long since I've blogged. Now, IN CAMP, I am blogging at the stroke of midnight. Ok, I'll start from the back. My birthday has been a nice one overall. Received many presents from my friends and alot of earrings and hairband for some reason~ Oh yeah, been so call suffering in school for this past week......I'm sure the rest of my class also! Mon-Wed....Stay back till 6 plus to practice dance Thurs..... CLASS DRAMA! Fri -Sun...Girl Guides Camp! Oh yeah...terrifying week! I'm so tired but i know i cannot slack much anymore from now on. Sec 4 le leh...O levels...but is it really such a big deal. (I am deceiving myself) I wanna get a coggi! (dun blame me for being so random) Miss Lew got a 4 month old male and he was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute. BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT...Hash cuter! ^^
I miss my doggy! Anyways, since i am falling asleep on my keyboard already. I shall log off, surf the net and catch some precious zzz....
Oh yeah...I gonna go achiever's program next term...More studying...Yeahhhhhhhh
Friday, February 23, 2007
Not my favourite day but............yesterday i had a speech in front of the entire student body...went quite well but I think its a witty bit too fast.LOL Mr sim kept trying to snatch auri and my mic away so we really very fan up there...except we cannot show THAT face.
Tomorrow gonna suffer in the stadium for more than 4 hours. Bringing bio notes and chinese to do...PLUS my nintendo lite...WAHAHA!
I have tons of things to do but those who wanna audi PM me k?
Oh yeah...the previous post may have some funny codes..its chinese-english format -_-. The cake is baked by by sis with babyfood and doggy treats. No sugar or salt of course!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
The birthday boy on 10/02/07!Happy Birthday Hashie! The birthday boy...er dog, ferociously attacking the cake ^_ Before.................................................. After..................
I just found a super cute skin! Transform NOW! Go check my biography and featured video...remember to off the music by pressing the stop button on your web controls...you know the page with a big red "X"? Enjoy the music...wow, your mouse is REALLY a mouse!
Hi people....meaning auri, pamm, anna and some others....lols! Today AMKSS has its very first IPP exercise. The end result: SUFFOCATION! Man was it hot in there or what. The whole class was practically using paper/cardboard to fan themselves. I was the first one to use a cardboard and got the best piece..wakakaka
When we got out...the air seem like air-con...REALLY! I shall not list some awkward things that happened when the people came to check on us lest i get in trouble...LOLS!
OH YEAH! I PROMISE, CROSS MY HEART that I WILL post Hash's cake pictures ^^. My sis so nice bake him a cake. Oh yeah. Her b-day is in 2 days! Happy birthday!
Tomorrow is chinese new year celebration and after that off to have a haircut again.. getting too long for my guides uniform...^^
As you may have noticed...new BLOGSKIN! May be temporary though, till I find a new one that is nicer ^^. People, if you see a nice one tell me k? Loggin out!^^
P.S: Happy belated valentine's day and happy chinese new year! OINK!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Sorry people...feeling kinda gloomy nowadays, although my days are filled with activities...LOLS.
Lets see...here are the list of activities for the past few days
1)Fri guides training, one sec 1 SUPER annoying 2)Celebrated Hash birthday, pics next entry or will show you during sch on mon 3)Went out with the pretty gals, chong yi and pamm, reason you will find out in the future 3)bought acash card again..lols. Yes, i bought new clothing. Guilty as charged 4)(Should be no 1) IPP training presented by super boring mr siva 5)Above activity gave me a headache 6)Suffering from stiff neck again 7)Neglecting my work 8)Failing grades 9)Watched Ouran High, planning to get the manga
So ppl, as you can see, my life super boring..so ya...toodles...btw...anyone knows who is tinggx on the taggie? WHat overseas thing? I am in spore aren't I? >_<
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Ok ok, i shall just say that I'm being the ultimate procrastinator. FULLSTOP.
Anyways, I haven't been updating...my muse is sooo dead. I got my wand today, those people who know should know, and I wouldn't say further. Its is 10 3/4 inch apple, unicorn hair. ^^ Luving it. Gonna know what my house (you know....like Slytherin and Ravenclaw?) is after family day.
Oh yeah...initially I wanted to bring Hash along. But he's just to energetic. I think alot people will get scared..LOL. Anyways, back to today. Too lazy to talk about what has happened since guides camp.
Ok, Bio SPA today. Ok bahz. Not as bad as the previous one. Almost forget to write something down...lucky last minute remember. Boring day and I slack to the optimum. Forgive me God.
Sitting next to Aurina now. Thanks to Randy. Next to me is also pamm..Tell you all smth
Sitting arrangement
Max Xin Yee Anna Surong Me Aurina
is a girl guides thunderbolt! WAHAHA
From now onwards, I shall dedicate myself to my work. Logging off
I know its random but I really need to off thhis computer. Its driving me nutty.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
SECOND DAY OF GUIDES CAMP!!!!!! (check other guides NCOs sec 4 blog to see the exact same title.) We are playing the the com lab once again thx to teachers and YA (young adults / Mdms) after a long long long tiring day. Take note of the ungodly time....yes we are not gonna sleep much...about 2 hours or so. Tmr I will get to see Hashy...yeah! Ok today the sec 3s took over the front part of the day. I shall not disclose such confidential information and and just comment that it was rather disappointing. A girl got sick as well and was brought home. Some other sec 1s have to go for other personal reasons.
Aurina and i seem to be always left alone everywhere, anywhere, anytime....now oso...the others went down to play _____........, we were also left alone in the toilets, and in the sick bay and the hiking trip & bus as well.
The hiking trip was dark and thanks to angie who keeps flashing the light, I keep getting blinded and was unable to readjust back to the darkness after the flash, disabling me of my sight in the dark and then I cannot see the edges of the wooden planks... I have to catch up to the NCC Land and must take note of their white shoes to find my way. -_-....Lucky no mosquito... My Legs almost like....cracked as we walked the long stretch of Bishan Park back to the school plus the hiking trail @ Pierce reservoir.
I don't have much to see after that...not many things such as CCA can I discuss online~ Ah well, tmr the NCOs will be poppin by Mac b4 going home.
Tmr plan after camp: Bathe & SLEEP
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Ohohohohoho...I am in com lab 1 (school) now blogging. It has been so long since I've blogged. Now, IN CAMP, I am blogging at the stroke of midnight. Ok, I'll start from the back. My birthday has been a nice one overall. Received many presents from my friends and alot of earrings and hairband for some reason~ Oh yeah, been so call suffering in school for this past week......I'm sure the rest of my class also! Mon-Wed....Stay back till 6 plus to practice dance Thurs..... CLASS DRAMA! Fri -Sun...Girl Guides Camp! Oh yeah...terrifying week! I'm so tired but i know i cannot slack much anymore from now on. Sec 4 le leh...O levels...but is it really such a big deal. (I am deceiving myself) I wanna get a coggi! (dun blame me for being so random) Miss Lew got a 4 month old male and he was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute. BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT...Hash cuter! ^^
I miss my doggy! Anyways, since i am falling asleep on my keyboard already. I shall log off, surf the net and catch some precious zzz....
Oh yeah...I gonna go achiever's program next term...More studying...Yeahhhhhhhh
Friday, February 23, 2007
Not my favourite day but............yesterday i had a speech in front of the entire student body...went quite well but I think its a witty bit too fast.LOL Mr sim kept trying to snatch auri and my mic away so we really very fan up there...except we cannot show THAT face.
Tomorrow gonna suffer in the stadium for more than 4 hours. Bringing bio notes and chinese to do...PLUS my nintendo lite...WAHAHA!
I have tons of things to do but those who wanna audi PM me k?
Oh yeah...the previous post may have some funny codes..its chinese-english format -_-. The cake is baked by by sis with babyfood and doggy treats. No sugar or salt of course!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
The birthday boy on 10/02/07!Happy Birthday Hashie! The birthday boy...er dog, ferociously attacking the cake ^_ Before.................................................. After..................
I just found a super cute skin! Transform NOW! Go check my biography and featured video...remember to off the music by pressing the stop button on your web controls...you know the page with a big red "X"? Enjoy the music...wow, your mouse is REALLY a mouse!
Hi people....meaning auri, pamm, anna and some others....lols! Today AMKSS has its very first IPP exercise. The end result: SUFFOCATION! Man was it hot in there or what. The whole class was practically using paper/cardboard to fan themselves. I was the first one to use a cardboard and got the best piece..wakakaka
When we got out...the air seem like air-con...REALLY! I shall not list some awkward things that happened when the people came to check on us lest i get in trouble...LOLS!
OH YEAH! I PROMISE, CROSS MY HEART that I WILL post Hash's cake pictures ^^. My sis so nice bake him a cake. Oh yeah. Her b-day is in 2 days! Happy birthday!
Tomorrow is chinese new year celebration and after that off to have a haircut again.. getting too long for my guides uniform...^^
As you may have noticed...new BLOGSKIN! May be temporary though, till I find a new one that is nicer ^^. People, if you see a nice one tell me k? Loggin out!^^
P.S: Happy belated valentine's day and happy chinese new year! OINK!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Sorry people...feeling kinda gloomy nowadays, although my days are filled with activities...LOLS.
Lets see...here are the list of activities for the past few days
1)Fri guides training, one sec 1 SUPER annoying 2)Celebrated Hash birthday, pics next entry or will show you during sch on mon 3)Went out with the pretty gals, chong yi and pamm, reason you will find out in the future 3)bought acash card again..lols. Yes, i bought new clothing. Guilty as charged 4)(Should be no 1) IPP training presented by super boring mr siva 5)Above activity gave me a headache 6)Suffering from stiff neck again 7)Neglecting my work 8)Failing grades 9)Watched Ouran High, planning to get the manga
So ppl, as you can see, my life super boring..so ya...toodles...btw...anyone knows who is tinggx on the taggie? WHat overseas thing? I am in spore aren't I? >_<
Site Info
&Welcome to wingsofroyalty.com
!AuDi-RecoRrds! Chain: x13
4ky FM: 188bpm
8ky FM: 156bpm
4ky Lvl 11 FM: 144bpm
8ky Lvl 11 FM: 140bpm
No of outfits: 4
Crowned Charming Babe on 01 Dec 06
You're listening to -One For Me by M-Street (ps: My fav Audi-song!)
Name: Cheryl Tan
Aka: ~_Ashen_~
Age: 15+
B-day: 1st Mar 91
Sch: Amkss
Loves: My PaLs, maths, chemistry, manga, anime, BLEEDMAN COMICS, family, HASH, Audition, books (fantasy)
Dislikes: Kind of people...Shhhh! Leafless Veges, Getting low marks at my niche subjects
Wishes: Good 'O' Level Results (who doesn't?), PS2 or 3 with Kingdom Hearts 2! Good relationships with PAlS